We've been embracing all things new here at wed. After last issue's dalliance with the past, we've jumped headlong into the here and now - keeping a cheeky eye on the future - to present you with the freshest, most fabulous ideas to infuse your wedding with super-charged style.

The quest for your wedding dress ends here. Showcasing both sides of the style spectrum, from the sharpest and sleekest to the dramatic and distinctive, our bridal shoots take their inspiration from that very Cornish of crazes: modern art.
And that's not all. The hardy team at wed have ventured up to the big city - our quest? To check out the hottest designs of 2008 at The Designer Wedding Show - 'Top of the Frocks' presents the sassiest of styles for your viewing pleasure. Add some groovy grooms wear and bold bridesmaid looks to the mix and you have a veritable feast of fashions to swoon over.

But it's no good looking ravishing if your venue's stuck in a time that taste forgot. We've taken a sneaky peek inside the county's modern and modish venues for a wedding celebration with cool, cutting edge ambience. Plus, there's lip-smacking canape ideas, tips for getting down on the dance floor in style and a brand spanking new honeymoon section.
We've got your wedding wrapped up. Enjoy it.