A secluded Cornish cove makes a beguiling backdrop for a wedding inspired by the rocks, the sand and the sea...
"This shoot took place on what is, in my opinion, the most beautiful beach in the country, Kynance Cove. The light and colour of this part of the world inspire me so much," comments photographer Sarah Falugo. "For me, a coastal wedding should be romantic and sophisticated. I chose a palette from the natural colours of the rocks and the sea, and then let the dresses and flowers do the rest."
Drawing inspiration from the surroundings, the soft hues and natural textures sit serenely alongside the seascape stationery, while the wildly opulent blooms pick up on jewels reflecting the shades of the sea. Imagine wandering the silken sands in a dreamy dress, enjoying a romantic meal on the sands - and maybe even an evening elopement as the waves lap the shore - and revelling in the romance of this extraordinary place.
Photography and styling Sarah Falugo www.sarahfalugo.com
-Flowers and floral styling The Blue Carrot www.thebluecarrot.co.uk -
White dresses Maria Senvo www.mariasenvo.com
Mulberry coloured dress Alison-Jayne Couture www.alisonjaynecouture.co.uk Stationery Claire Hawkes www.claire-hawkes.com -
Hair Hair by Rochelle www.hairbyrochelle.co.uk -
Jewellery Embers www.embersjewellery.com
Tableware (plates, cutlery, linen, glasses) Home Address www.homeaddress.co
Copyright Wed magazine 2014