"There is a fine balance in these pictures between wealthy opulence and something charmingly restrained," says florist Inky of Inky & Grace, which aimed to capture the blend of richness mixed with austerity.
As light pours through arched windows into panelled rooms, enhanced with grey-blue ceilings, vast carved mantelpieces and antique furniture, there's a relaxed feel with elements of real theatre.
"We knew that this setting deserved some large floral designs instead of smaller arrangements to create a theatrical feeling, with archways, large urns and smaller vases," says Inky.
The tablescape showcases deep blue silks and rich corals in the runners, offset by buttermilk pale muslins, marbled fabric, coral bowls and plates thinly rimmed with gold.
"These Dutch pictures use strong colours - deft blues, rich oranges, standout yellows and vivid reds. Even the springtime paintings aren't bright or flooded with light; instead mysterious and darkly lush," says Inky, describing how the hues influence the mood of the shoot. With a nod to the sugar brought in by Dutch merchant men, the indulgence of sugar work in the extravagant cakes showcase tulips and roses in those warm coral tones against the deep ocean blue icing with dragonflies flitting over its sky, a still life vivid against the wooden panelling.
With drifting light across the floor capturing an atmospherically antique look with a romantic feel in these dramatic rooms, a step outside ups the ante with russet leaves capturing the shades of the bride's auburn hair perfectly. With fishtail braids and tumbling waves, her make-up of warm, soft shades enhances the silhouette of her gown flow with fine lace long sleeves. With Dutch artwork as the inspiration, it is the bride who is the muse; rich in colour, strong in her look, and elegant in her very own portrait of romance.
For more wedding styling ideas click here

Venue Tawstock Court tawstockcourt.co.uk
Photography Verity Westcott Photography veritywestcottphotography.com
Flowers Inky & Grace inkyandgrace.net
Dresses Champagne & Charlotte champagneandcharlotte.co.uk
Cake Edible Essence edibleessencecakeart.com
Groom's outfit Vintage Suit Hire vintagesuithire.co.uk at The Wedding Hub thewedhub.com Fifty5a fifty5a.com
Hair The Updo Girl theupdogirl.com
Make-up Lisa Caldognetto lisacaldognetto.com
Silk runners, wraps & ribbons Lancaster & Cornish lancasterandcornish.com
Porcelain tableware Febbie Day Ceramics febbiedayceramics.etsy.com
Calligraphy Mathilda Lundin mathildalundin.com
Cutlery & vintage tableware Keeping It Vintage keepingitvintage.co.uk
Hair jewellery & floral insects Bee Lavish Silver and Porcelain Art instagram.com/bee.lavish
Rings, bowls & makers pieces Me and East meandeast.com
Models Sinopa Rin, Tadeusz Urbanowicz & Hamish the dog
Copyright Wed magazine 2019