A three-tiered cake adorned with ribbons and piled high with exotic flowers stands proud in the Orangery of Deer Park Country House, which is brimming with a carnival of dazzling details that combine to dramatic effect. Dyed pineapple leaves, mini cactus favours and coloured glass bring a South American flavour, with painted ceramics and a brilliant palette of red, yellow and purple brightening every scene.
The strong colours continue in the stationery and flamboyant floral arrangements, interspersed with the sweetest addition of mini pineapples, citrus fruits and pomegranates, ensuring bright hues and zesty flavours run through the key elements. Flickering candlelight, patterned floor cushions, vintage furnishings and an antique lace gown add an atmospheric, bohemian mood, completing the character-filled aesthetic.

words Lucy Higgins
Photography Venetia Norrington Photography venetianorrington.com
Venue Deer Park Country House Hotel deerpark.co.uk
Styling Jeremy Fifield at House of Hud houseofhud.com
Jennie Stogdon at The Pop-Up Dining Room thepopupdiningroom.co.uk
Grace Barrington
Cake Jennie Stogdon at The Pop-Up Dining Room thepopupdiningroom.co.uk
Models Ewelina Borkowska, Ashley Dorking
Props The Prop Factory propfactory.co.uk The Donkey Sanctuary thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk
Hair & make-up Jai Prettejohn at theeventstudios.co.uk
Giselle Michel-Gendre gisellemichelgendre.wixsite.com/make-up-artist
Eve Ashby eveashby.co.uk
Flowers Phillip Corps phillipcorps.com
Plants Palm Traders palmtraders.co.uk Cactus Shop cactusshop.co.uk
Stationery Anon Design Studio anondesigner.co.uk
Jewellery The Lucky Sixpence theluckysixpence.co.uk
Dress Days of Grace Vintage daysofgracevintage.com
Suit Richard Paul Menswear richardpaulmenswear.co.uk
Lighting Leo Sound leosoundandlightingcompany.com
Copyright Wed magazine 2018