"Inspired by the month of June - the month of the rose - this shoot honours the beguiling beauty and scent of the English rose, and also the beauty and qualities of all of our wonderful British-grown cut flowers," says Amy Gilbert of The Flower Forest, who styled the shoot. "The rose garden at RHS Rosemoor is a true sight to behold during late May and early June. It has to be one of the most beautiful and most scented places to sit and while away a few stolen moments. The roses included in the bouquet are all locally Devon grown David Austin roses and wonderfully scented pinks, also grown in a specialist nursery in Devon."
The silken petals and hues of the flowers carry through to the name of the bridal gown - 'Rose of the Forest' - while the clean whites and soft pinks of the cake echo its delicate beauty. Where the sun lands on the details - glinting on the intricately embellished bodice, shining through the opaque tulle of the skirt, drawing colour to the bohemian braid woven with dainty flowers - it highlights the tender beauty of the fairytale.

words Lucy Higgins
Venue RHS Garden Rosemoor rhs.org.uk/gardens/rosemoor
Photography Toby Lowe Photography tobylowephotography.co.uk
Flowers, styling & coordination Amy Gilbert, The Flower Forest theflowerforest.co.uk
Whetman Pinks whetmanpinks.com
Dress Bowen-Dryden bowendryden.co.uk
Hair The Updo Girl theupdogirl.com
Make-up Claire Bowring clairebowring.co.uk
Cake Rosie Posie Cakes rosieposiecakes.co.uk
Cake stand & flower stand Clunstuff etsy.com/uk/shop/Clunstuff
Rose gin Tinkture wearetinkture.com
Jewellery Corinne Eire Evans corrinneeiraevans.com
Table Rooso Designs roosodesigns.co.uk
Model Juliet Pinder instagram.com/julietpinder
Copyright Wed magazine 2019