Wedding Reception Styling in Cornwall and Devon

Wedding venue Cornwall

Wedding venue Cornwall

A summertime shoot by the lake

On ode to high summer magic makes this lake-side styled shoot a dreamy affair

Inspired by 'A Midsummer Night's Dream', the dream-like outdoor aesthetic is beholden to all things natural. A tablescape, nestled into the water-side woodland, is fit for the fairtytale bride and groom, a linen runner hand-painted with foxgloves and dog roses in the same shades as the lively pinks and rich purples of the flowers. The lush background of ferns and deep greens bringing a feel of the forest; you can almost sense the whimsy of fairies in this magical venue.

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"We used garden flowers both cultivated and wild to create a heady-scented, deeply romantic feel, and both the central circle above the table and the boat bring a sense of soft movement on the breeze," say shoot organisers Vicki and Brigid of The Woodland Atelier, which brings sustainable eco-friendly ways to decorate events. 

The floral-adorned rowboat, lightly tethered to an overhanging tree by a length of rope, is lifted by the bright colours of the blooms, promising an adventure-filled foray into the beautiful wonderland of azure water.

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Organisation, design & styling The Woodland Atelier
Photography Apple B Images
Venue Cornish Tipi Weddings
Table runner painting Victoria Bampfield