Taking us into Devon's rural idyll, the picturesque setting of Upton Barn & Walled Garden marries together soft pinks and metallic touches for the prettiest of party scenes.
Amongst a garden setting, the fresh spring greens sing out with colour against the more muted tones of soft pinks and stylish grey and golden shades. Scenic and sweet, there's a feeling of innocence and youth, the sense that this really is the beginning of something exquisitely beautiful.
Inside, beautiful blooms and rustic ribbons take centre stage, with pink peonies and hanging tiny glass jars of wildflowers allowing a seasonal vibe to pervade throughout. Tassels, trailing vines and even a vintage watering can give an almost unfinished edge, while the gold-edged glasses and weighty cutlery bring a classy and considered style to the tablescape.
The bride is measured and graceful; a grey gown the ideal choice to complement her mass of red curls and weaving hair vine. Blossoms, gin bottles, an elegant pale pink cake with delicate oversized florals; it all points towards a shoot overflowing with the simplest of pleasures, the most ornate of details, styled to pretty perfection.
Venue Upton Barn & Walled Garden uptonbarn.com
Styling Jezz Fyfield & Grace Barrington, Complete Chillout Company completechillout.com
Jennie Stogdon, The Pop-Up Dining Room thepopupdiningroom.co.uk
Jewellery Kelly Spence kellyspence.com Victoria Maloney victoriamaloney.co.uk
Cake Edible Essence edibleessencecakeart.comStationery Anon Design Studio anondesigner.co.uk
Flowers Phillip Corps phillipcorps.com
Hair Jai Prettejohn, The Event Studios theeventstudios.co.uk
Make-up Giselle Michel-Gendre, The Event Studios theeventstudios.co.uk
Dress Ailsa Munro ailsamunrodressmaker.com
Suit hire Men's Hire Bristol menshire.co.uk